The Legacy team is a community of generous individuals who unite to accelerate Kingdom vision through their giving. Whether through the spiritual gift of generosity or a passion to faithfully steward what God has entrusted to them, these individuals resource churches, community organizations, and mission partners, funding projects that make a lasting difference and spread the gospel both locally and globally.

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

ROMANS 12:6-8


A lane gives clarity, intentionality, and focus for team members. All four lanes are unique in their mission, yet all are focused on a single purpose. Each lane has its own report to provide the Legacy Team with information on new projects, existing projects, connect opportunities, financial need, and Kingdom impact.

Focus: Capital projects for Graceway’s buildings and facilities

Goal: To keep our buildings and facilities in pace with our church growth and need, while maintaining a debt-free position

Roster: Those with passion to see the church expanding to reach more people and those with experience in larger-scale capital projects and budgets

Measurables: High-quality environments, opening more seats at more services, increased facility use


Opportunities: Periodic site visits with team leaders and hands-on volunteer opportunities

Focus: Initiatives and partnerships in the service of the greater Kansas City area. This includes but is not limited to Graceway church plants and campuses.

Goal: To reach those in need through the local church

Roster: Those who feel called to serve our local church and community

Measurables: Tangible differences being made by impact in the Kansas City community


Opportunities: Serving in outreach projects, mentoring, connection lunches, internships

Focus: Initiatives and partnerships in the service of the United States

Goal: To help life-giving churches be planted and impact their communities

Roster: Those passionate about church planting and growing healthy churches across the United States

Measurables: Campuses created, churches planted, people saved, lives touched, difference being made

Opportunities: Serve as hosts at conferences, outreach projects in other states, campus core teams

Focus: Global church planting, discipleship, and outreach

Goal: To fulfill the Great Commission through church planting, people coming to Christ, and nations being changed

Roster: Those passionate about church planting and growing healthy local churches

Measurables: Number of churches planted, leaders trained, people saved

Opportunities: Mission trips to see and serve in various parts of the world where we are making

Join the legacy team

Legacy people give influence, resources and time as a local church ministry expression to advance the cause of Christ. Each member prayerfully commits to give over and above their tithe to impact eternity for generations to come—to leave a legacy.

Still have questions?

Legacy team members must fufill:

  • A member of Graceway
  • Completed Growth Track
  • Committed to giving over and above their tithe
  • Have the spiritual gift of giving
  • View giving as an act of worship unto the Lord
  • Desire to use resources, influence and/or time to make a difference through the local church