Please contact us if you would like more information on how you can support and pray specifically for our global partners. Some partners are not included on this page due to security concerns.

Tracy and Joannie
Tracy and Joannie are teaching workers how to engage and disciple Muslims and more specifically Muslim unreached people groups. They work across a large portion of the globe in the 10-40 window and beyond.Americas

Mary is the International Executive Leader of All Nations International. She is passionate about finishing the Great Commission in this generation by sharing the love of God among every people group.

Pam travels nearly continuously, teaching classes on missions, checking in with missionaries on the field, writing articles and books, and working out security issues for missionaries. She also works with missionaries from many different countries to impact the way we globally do missions.

Ramiro and Claudia
Ramiro and Claudia lead International Leadership Institute, help translate many courses for different countries in Latin America, are part of COMIMEX, and participate in Ministry Committee of Fundación Medica San Lucas. Ramiro is also the Co-Pastor at Roca De Vida Church.

Tony focuses on engaging unreached people groups, mostly Muslims, through training and mobilizing the Spanish-speaking church in Latin America, the US, and Canada. He also provides pastoral care for Latin workers through visits and retreats.

Alex and Seta
Alex and Seta’s ministry is to the least reached population in their country. This includes working toward opening an English school which will open many doors in the community and allow for them to teach many other subjects in the future as well.

Ashty is a pastor of Apostles Evangelical church, church planter, owner of the Zalallife Organization and father of four kids. His work involves spreading the gospel through projects in the camps housing Yazidis and Muslims.

Christudas and Martha
Christudas and Martha equip men and women for evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in an area that is experiencing severe persecution. They also encourage and support local believers by providing tools and finances so that they will accomplish the Great Commission. In addition, Christudas and Martha are making disciples, and doing humanitarian work wherever they find the need.

D and C
D and C host language classes and disciple new believers in a small-population area where few are doing outreach. They also provide visas (residence cards) for teammates who work in nearby areas among Muslims and Yezidis.
Doug and Bethany
Doug and Bethany help plant churches in a very large city while going into the slums to teach and make friends. They have local pastors they serve and have also helped them establish orphan homes and Bible training centers.

Jacob and Lisa
Jacob and Lisa are church planters and work to sustain local missions through business as mission. Jacob is an academic dean of a missions school with teaching and training throughout the region while Lisa serves the special needs community as a counselor and consultant.
Justin and Molly
Justin and Molly are part of AgG, a partnering organization working to support agricultural focused business as missions operations working with the least reached. They partner with long-term workers and national leaders to take the business and ministry outreach forward.
Wesley and Kate
Kate serves as a Member Care Counselor for the other workers in their organization and Wesley serves as an Engineering Consultant on frontline community development projects throughout unreached areas of the world.Europe

Gilberto and Ruth
For 28 years, Gilberto and Ruth have been sharing the gospel with Muslims in Europe. They are the founders of a center that shares the gospel while teaching language and skills in many specialties. They also make connections with the international community there by helping people get settled and find jobs in their new country.

Youssef and Susana
Youssef and Susana serve using media to reach, teach, and disciple people in hard to reach areas. Susana is doing counseling and care for leaders while Youssef leads the discipleship department.

Jalil and Andrea
Jalil and Andrea work to reach Muslims in their country. Jalil is a former Muslim who found Christ and now seeks to share the gospel with those who were like him.