Crecer A Fondo: Cambios (E121)

Crecer a Fondo: Un podcast dedicado a lo que es crecer más a fondo y descubrir lo profundo de las escrituras y la vida.

Resolved: Be Unified

In this week’s sermon, Pastor Tim explores the essence of true unity as taught by Jesus. Pastor Dunn delves into the distinction between superficial unity and the deeper, more challenging biblical unity. Discover how loving our neighbors, enemies, and each other aligns with God’s vision for a harmonious community, transcending mere agreement or avoidance of conflict. This sermon is a call to embrace genuine love and humility, reflecting the unity of heaven as depicted in Revelation 7:9-10. Whether seeking guidance in personal relationships or striving for unity in your community, this message offers insights and practical wisdom.
Chris Harper is the CEO of Betterman, an organization dedicated to guiding men back to God’s timeless design for manhood.

Resolved: When you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready

Join us for a thought-provoking sermon by guest speaker Chris Harper from Betterman. Chris Harper’s sermon explores the vital theme of spiritual readiness, inspired by Matthew 24:36-44. Gain insights on preparing for Jesus’ return and living a life of faith and vigilance.

Chris Harper is the CEO of Betterman, an organization dedicated to guiding men back to God’s timeless design for manhood.


Explore this reflective sermon with Pastor Tim Dunn, focusing on spiritual growth and understanding life’s purpose, based on Ephesians and Hebrews. A great watch for those seeking insights into living a meaningful, faith-filled life.